The following statistics are our chapter’s collective effort to increase the number of referrals, Visitors, 1-2-1’s, Thank You For Closed Business, and Chapter Education Units.
Total number of business contacts referred to people in our chapter and people in other chapters.
Total Number of Referrals
Total number of visitors that came to check out our chapter.
Total Number of Visitors
Total number of 1-2-1’s that occurred between BNI members in our chapter and other chapters. A 1-2-1 is a meeting between members to discuss business and how each person can better refer the other.
Total Number of 1-2-1's
Thank You For Closed Business
Total amount of money that was generated by our chapter due to quality referrals and networking.
Total Dollars of Closed Business for Our Chapter
Chapter Education Units (CEU)
Total number of hours spent by members in our chapter participating in education such as but not limited to leadership development books and online training.