BNI St. Clair County Chapter


BNI has a list of BNI core values that are all necessary in growing a successful business:

  1. Givers Gain
  2. Building Relationships
  3. Lifelong Learning
  4. Traditions + Innovation
  5. Positive Attitude
  6. Accountability
  7. Recognition

We can start off by pointing out how important all of these values are to growing a business.  If we look into these further and point out how important these values are to building healthy relationships with people, we can then understand what it is all about.  We aren’t just building a business here.  We are building relationships.

What we do

We Help Each Other Grow As People


Training Opportunities

One of the great benefits to being a BNI member is the access to all of the training opportunities. If you are interested in learning new ways to reach clientele and simply just learning about growing a business, you are at the right place.


Business Growth

Our BNI core values set us apart from any other business development group. You have the benefit of working with your own team of referral partners.


Referral Network

You have time every meeting to let everyone know exactly who your target audience is, and how they can help you connect with them.


Case Study

Imagine you have a friend named Kathy who is looking to remodel her bathroom.  You instantly remember your BNI referral partner Bill has a remodeling company and is looking for more clients needing bathroom remodeling!  You let Kathy know that you personally know a fantastic bathroom remodeler and you can introduce her to Bill at her earliest convenience.  This is a perfect example of our number one core value in BNI.

Givers Gain

Givers Gain is one of the most powerful messages within BNI.  If you dedicate yourself to helping your teammates find more work, imagine how large your team will grow.  A successful business owner is someone who understands how important it is to work as a team.  You build trust with your referral partners when you vouch for them in conversation with people you meet.

The Importance Of Givers Gain

In the example above, Kathy recommended Bill for an important role.  Establishing trust with your BNI referral partners is the first step in growing not only as a person, but as a business.  You will see an extraordinary return on investment when you put others first.  This is why I love to see Givers Gain as the number 1 core value of BNI.

Our BNI St. Clair County Chapter is a growing power house for networking opportunities.  Be sure to check out our photo gallery to get an idea of how we operate on a weekly basis.  You don’t have to stop there either!  By joining our chapter, you will have access to an international network of referral partners, and you will have great opportunities to network with other local chapters.  

If you are interested in visiting our chapter just click the “Visit Our Chapter” button below to get registered for a visit at our next meeting!

Chapter Members:

There are a great number of networking groups St Louis available for you to join.  BNI however is the world’s largest referral networking organization and has over 10,000 chapters all over the world in over 74 countries.  You will have access to network with all of these businesses.  BNI is more than just growing your business.  It is helping you build your network.  You will gain friends, business partners, and fellow colleagues that will last a lifetime.

Some important attributes that we look for in business owners is a positive attitude.  Here is a famous Henry Ford quote, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right,” emphasizes how much attitude determines success or failure.  We set ourselves apart from other networking groups St Louis by following our core values.

Your attitude says a lot about you as a person.  It can also determine whether or not other people will want to work with you or refer you to someone in their network.